Tatuanui School - A rural school making a difference

Reaching our full potential and
being the best we can be!

The Role of the Board of Trustees is to govern the school. The Board is elected every three years and their primary focus is on student achievement.

While the board delegates day-to-day implementation of many of its responsibilities to the Principal (management) the Board is accountable to the community and the crown for the performance of the school within the law and the national education system.

The Board fulfills legal requirements by monitoring and evaluating the school's performance to make sure it is on track to achieve the aims and targets in the school charter and is complying with the Board and Government policy.

Board of trustees 2024 :

Brendon Fiebig (Principal)

Amy Attwood (PM Chair)

Jade Millner

Brad Pickett

Mark Benns

Rob Haddock (Staff Representative)

Liz Kalma (Minutes Secretary)